Alternative Strategies & Knowledge ((A.S.K.)
Criminal Record Information Specialist

A.S.K. (Alternative Strategies & Knowledge) Charter Consulting LLC, is a South-metro Atlanta based boutique consulting company. It was founded in 2013 by retired law enforcer Charlton Bivins.
Criminal Records Division
A.S.K. Charter Consulting- Criminal Records Division was founded with the mission of improving the quality of life for thousands of individuals that have been plagued with a criminal history that has a significant negative impact on their lives. A.S.K. Charter Consulting LLC has expanded its services to include a very unique Criminal Records Restriction (expungement) consulting concept and services to investigate and correct inaccurate criminal history record information . Our goal is to provide professional, confidential, and timely services to our clients.
Our allies have become a conglomeration of social justice law firms and legal practitioners as well as thoughtful state prosecuting offices. We take pride in the fact that "we are not attorneys".
We are specialist in criminal record investigations, analysis, corrections and record restrictions (expungements).
"Record Restrictions" is the new Ga. legislative term for "Expungements".
A.S.K. Charter Consulting LLC specializes in providing consulting, assessments and management services for those in need of :
Criminal Record Restrictions (EXPUNGEMENTS) ,
Criminal Record Corrections and
State Pardon Assistance.
We become your investigators and advocates. Our expertise has been defined by our years of experience and zeal to improve the lives within our community.
A.S.K. Charter Consulting LLC is not a law firm or to be construed as legal advice. We are not attorneys nor do we have any affiliation with any particular law firms. We are specialists in criminal history record information only. We provide specialized information regarding the interpretation and correction of criminal history record information (CHRI) and Expungement (Record Restriction) processes.