Alternative Strategies & Knowledge ((A.S.K.)
Criminal Record Information Specialist


Criminal Records Investigations
We specialize in the following:
Criminal History Record Information Analysis Services
We execute a thorough evaluation of your criminal history to detect fraudulent or erroneous information. This occurs through meticulous fact-finding and probing arrest, jail and court records. We will prepare a thorough report of our findings for our clients.
Criminal Record Corrections Services
As our clients' investigator/advocate, we research, collect, mediate and process misinformation found as a result of analyzing your criminal history and supporting documents. We will prepare a thorough report and retrieve a corrected criminal history as evidence of corrections
Expungements /Record Restrictions Processing Services
As our client, we complete a thorough analysis of your criminal history. All errors and fraudulent inputs are corrected . We then measure your criminal record to Georgia statues and the State of Georgia Record Restriction (expungement) rubrics/law.
We conclude our advocacy by tediously navigating law enforcement agencies, prosecuting attorney offices and the Georgia Bureau of Investigations (G.B.I.) to ensure Georgia state law is executed on your behalf and that your qualifying criminal records are restricted (expunged) expeditiously and properly. Those arrest that don't qualify for expungement, we recommend and offer free of charge to our clients a State of Georgia Pardon Package.
Criminal Record Corrections
"We often times audit or review our credit reports/histories, but when was the last time
you reviewed your criminal history record?"
Fraud and identity theft has no boundaries. In the midst of examining thousands of criminal histories, A.S.K. Charter Consulting has revealed some very interesting trends. Criminals are very illusive and if given the opportunity to use your name and personal information in lieu of revealing their identity in an interaction with the law, they will do so. This tactic creates erroneous arrest records and histories if the agencies are not diligent in their record keeping. We have seen that they often times are not.
Secondly, criminal records are often times tarnished by human/administrative errors that are just as damaging. Don't let human error cost you that key job, license or opportunity.
Record Restriction (Expungement)
Criminal Record Restriction (expungement) Consultancy is now a must to ensure a quality of life for many Georgia citizens. U.S. Dept. of Justice Statistics show that 1 out 3 Americans have been incarcerated or arrested. Yet the legal system makes no major distinction between arrest, incarceration or convictions when employers, housing authorities, federal program officials , college officials and others review such criminal records and make decisions based on the information that is present. This is a travesty!
Now, there is HOPE. New Georgia state law makes it possible now for those that qualify, can get criminal record relief through the new concept called Record Restrictions formerly called (expungements).

A.S.K. Charter Consulting LLC is not a law firm nor is the information on this website to be construed as legal advice. We are not attorneys nor do we have any affiliation with any particular law firms. We are specialists in criminal history record information only. We provide specialized information regarding the interpretation and correction of criminal history record information (CHRI) and Expungement (Record Restriction) processes.